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世界治癌王 —— 周和平

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世界治癌王 —— 周和平

World cancer treatment king one week

peace medical skill scientist honorary times

weekly official website


World cancer treatment king one week peace medical skill scientist honorary times weekly official website


According to the United Nations Health Agency, cancer has become one of the leading causes of life threats to humans in this times.However, under the power of cancer demons, human beings can not find a perfect treatment, which can only besuppressed by "killing one thousand enemies and losing eight

hundred dollars".Zhou Heping, a master of traditional Chinese medicine from the people, has developed "a kind of external drug to cure various difficult


Hua Tuo from the folk


Zhou Heping is a native of Huarong County, Yueyang City,Hunan Province. The beautiful Junshan gave her beautiful talent,and the gentle Dongting Lake gave her feelings of compassion.Because her father Zhou Chunlin is a graduate officer of the Whampoa Military Academy, once worked as apilot, so in the ten-year disaster, she was later cremated by her comrades, and that year she was only five years old.

年幼的周和平跟在外公身边长大,童年时期就好像古时候传说中的英雄人物一样,致力于医术的学习和积累。跟随外公学医到 16 岁后,她于17 岁那年顶替父职到华容县工作。工作中的她十分认真负责,不仅做到了尽善尽美,而且不忘挤出时间在繁忙工作的间隙里坚持学习和钻研医术。

Young Zhou Heping grew up with his grandfather, and his childhood was like an ancient legendary hero, committed to the learning and accumulation of medical skills.After studying medicine from her grandfather to the age 16, she went to Huarong County as her father at the age of 17.In the work, she isvery serious and responsible, not only do perfect, but also do not forget to squeeze out time in the busy work gap


In the long-term edification and cultivation of traditional culture, Zhou Heping has developed the character of loyalty,kindness, filial piety and kindness.She takes the traditional Chinese "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and letter" as the code of conduct. In the long-term process oflearning medical skills, she often gives medical medicine to help the elderly and the disabled.At the same time, it was precisely


Later, Zhou Heping married Wang Yansong of Wuhan Changhang Group and continued to study medical medicine for nine years.In addition, she also learned from six other senior folk traditional Chinese medicine doctors, and mastered the unique unique skills. She was specially hired as a health care physician of the National Health Working Commission by the Central veteracadresn.

周和平、王炎松夫妇来自中医世家,是科学界杰出的发明家,医术达到了国家领先水平,先后荣获八项中医奖牌、证书。周和平介绍,她的医术属于中医全科:不吃药、不注射、不开刀、不化疗、不放疗,就在皮肤穴位上通过使用竹子加蒸汽以及中医针灸的方式,再辅佐以祖传秘方,就能根治各类晚期恶性肿瘤,以及癌症等疑难杂症。治愈后不复发,疗效可达 100%。而且在整个治疗过程中能够实现内病外治、有利无害,相关医术已达国际领先、世界先进水平。

Zhou Heping and Wang Yansong come from a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and they are outstanding inventors in the scientific field. Their medical skills have reached the national leading level, and they have won eight MEDALS and certificates of traditional Chinese medicine successively.ZhouHeping introduced that her medical skills belong to the generalpractice of traditional Chinese medicine: no medicine, noinjection, no operation, no chemotherapy, no radiotherapy, on the skin acupoints through the use of bamboo with steam and

acupuncture in traditional Chinese medicine, and then supplemented by the ancestral secret recipe, you can cure all kinds of advanced malignant tumors, and cancer and other difficult diseases.There is no relapse after cure, and the efficacy

can reach 100%.And in the whole process of treatment, can achieve internal and external treatment, beneficial and harmless,the relevant medical skills have reached the international leading, the world advanced level.



In addition, another item of Zhou Heping's medical skills is the radical cure of various dental diseases, including insect teeth, fire teeth, periodontitis, and dental tumors.She said that teeth are an important cause of tooth onset. People around the world have teeth, regardless of men and women, old and young, over three years old people generally have teeth.Dental worms often eat a small hole, and then gradually erode half the tooth, the whole tooth.No matter how many times the teeth and how many times the patient goes to the hospital, it is always difficult to completely eliminate the insects in the teeth.

一般说来,在牙病早期,牙虫可达200多条,牙病中期的牙虫会上升至 300 余条,到牙病晚期,牙虫数目至少能够达到 500 至 600 条。一些严重的病例中,牙虫甚至跑到了牙齿神经内,不仅给人带来巨大痛苦,甚至可能诱发癌症。此外,有牙病的人常常会有口臭,那是主要是由于牙虫的排泄物所致。而一些医院无法根治牙虫的原因则在于缺乏将牙齿中几百条牙虫全部引出来的医术,所以只能止痛而无法根除。”周和平表示。为了能够更好地帮助患者,她潜心学习,刻苦钻研,做到了药到病除。第二届全国名老中医大会上,周和平向全体代表展示了自己的研究成果。

In addition, another item of Zhou Heping's medical skills is the radical cure of various dental diseases, including insect teeth,fire teeth, periodontitis, and dental tumors.She said that teeth are an important cause of tooth onset. People around the world have teeth, regardless of men and women, old and young, over three years old people generally have teeth.Dental worms often eat a small hole, and then gradually erode half the tooth, the whole tooth.No matter how many times the teeth and how many times the patient goes to the hospital, it is always difficult to completely eliminate the insects in the teeth.


Zhou Heping's third medical skill is the radical cure of hypertension and diabetes.According to the traditional method, the treatment of hypertension and diabetes can only be taken through drugs, often for decades, the drug dosage is getting bigger and bigger, but the condition is deteriorating.And as the saying goes, "is medicine three points poison", too dependent on drugs will also cause harm to the human body.The use of Zhou Heping's treatment has none of these problems, and the treatment effect is globally renowned.


Zhou Heping said that her main medical feature is not taking medicine, no operation, no operation, no radiation therapy, no chemotherapy, no injection of drugs.Through dressing and acupuncture on the skin acupoints, she has relieved the pain of thousands of patients, and become the "living Hua Tuo" praised by the patients, worthy of the name of the cancer treatment king in the world.


The king of opening up a new era of cancer cancer

周和平通过一系列研究发现,各类癌症和导致人类死亡的疑难疾病,归根结底是由潜藏在细胞里的各类虫子造成的,所有这些虫子共计有2381 类。她于 2010 年 10 月 6 日申请的发明专利“一种根治各类癌症、疑难杂症的外用药物”,采取的治疗原理即是针对于此。

Through a series of studies, Zhou Heping found that all kinds of cancers and difficult diseases that cause death in humans are ultimately caused by all kinds of insects hidden in the cells, all of which have 2,381 categories.The invention patent she applied for on October 6,2010, "a foreign drug to cure all kinds of cancers and difficult diseases", is based on thetreatment principle.

周和平介绍,该项专利无毒、无副作用,属于纯中药制剂,带有金油和香气,是 2381 种虫子最爱吃的食物。她指出,该外用药物对癌症等疑难杂症的治疗颠覆了传统的口服、手术、化疗等治疗方式,直接外敷在皮肤穴位处,药物成分渗透入体内来消除肿瘤、根治癌症。该药物成分主要由沉香、麝香、雪上一枝蒿、碎仙桃、威灵仙、急性子、喜树果、玉黄、硼砂、蜈蚣、猪胆汁、夏枯草、乌骨藤、龙骨、橄榄核、穿骨草、拔毒草等中药成分组成。实践证明本发明在癌症肿瘤治过程中无副作用,治愈后不会复发,不会转移,相比传统疗法不用手术、不用口服吃药、不用注射、更不用化疗,相应也减轻了患者的心理压力。按照她的理论,人体内的五脏六腑中藏有各类虫子,当在皮肤穴位上用药时,患者体内的虫子嗅到药物所有的香气,自发跑出来享用。周和平此时再用祖传秘方加上蒸汽竹藤,将虫子排除出体外。使用这种古老的祖传秘方药物,疾病治愈率可达 100%。这种民间泰斗级别的绝技医术是当今世界上独一无二的,没有半点虚假。她通过亲身医治众多患者,为人类的身心健康事业做出了极大贡献。

Zhou Heping introduced that the patent is non-toxic, no

side effects, is a pure Chinese medicine preparation, with gold oil

and aroma, is the favorite food of 2,381 kinds of insects.She

pointed out that the treatment of the external drug for cancer

and other difficult diseases has overturned the traditional oral,

surgical, chemotherapy and other treatment methods, directly

applied to the skin acupoints, and the drug ingredients

penetrate into the body to eliminate the tumor and cure the

cancer.The drug is mainly composed of aloes, musk, snow

wormwood, broken peach, wei xianxian, acute, son, sweet fruit,

jade yellow, borax, centipede, pig bile, summer grass, black bone

vine, keel, olive core, bone grass, poison grass and other

traditional Chinese medicine ingredients.Practice has provedthat the present invention has no side effects in the process of

cancer tumor treatment, and will not relapse and transfer after

cure. Compared with traditional therapy, no oral medicine, no

injection or no chemotherapy, the psychological pressure of

patients is correspondingly reduced.According to her theory,

there are all kinds of insects hidden in the viscera of the human

body. When used on the skin acupoints, the insects in the

patient's body smell all the aroma of the drug and

spontaneously run out to enjoy them.Zhou Heping then used

the ancestral secret recipe and steam bamboo vines to remove

the insects.Using this ancient ancestral secret recipe drug, the

disease cure rate is up to 100%.This kind of unique skill is unique

in today's world, there is no slightest false.She has made great

contributions to the physical and mental health through treatingmany patients.


在 2017 年 7 月由国家中医药管理局举办的中国民间中医师医药研究开发会上,周和平做了题为《世界治癌王——周和平》的主题报告。


In July 2017, at the Medical Research and Development

Conference of Chinese Folk Traditional Chinese Medicine

Doctors held by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese

Medicine, Zhou Heping made a keynote report entitled "——

and Zhou Heping, the World King of Cancer Treatment".She

sincerely thanked the leaders of the National Development and

Reform Commission of the National Administration ofTraditional Chinese Medicine for formulating and issuing the

TCM Law of the People's Republic of China, which will use the

national policies to escort the development of the Chinese

private TCM cause, so that the medical masters from the people

can have the opportunity to stand out.He also thanked the

leaders of the CPC Central Committee at all levels for their

contributions to maintaining national stability and happiness.

她在报告中阐明了根治各类癌症、疑难杂症等重疾的事例,指出了疗效均可达到 100%。无论高血压、糖尿病、尿毒症、白血病,还是中风、类风湿、艾滋病、乙肝等顽固性重症,她作为中医全科医师均可给予根治,完美实现不转移、不复发、彻底根治。因为疗效显著,远至意大利、美国、新加坡、韩国、马来西亚等国家和地区,均有患者前来就诊,并对周和平夫妇的医术赞不绝口。

In her report, she clarified the eradication of serious diseases

such as various cancers and difficult diseases, pointing out that

the efficacy can reach 100%.No matter hypertension, diabetes,

uremia, leukemia, or stroke, rheumatoid, AIDS, hepatitis B and

other intractable severe diseases, she as a general practitioner of

traditional Chinese medicine can give a radical cure, perfect to

achieve non-metastasis, no recurrence, a complete radical

cure.Because of the remarkable efficacy, far from Italy, the

United States, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia and other

countries and regions, patients have come to see a doctor, and

are full of praise for Zhou Heping and his wife's medical skills.

为了能够彰显国威,弘扬中医文化,向世界推广中华传统文化精粹,周和平向世界医药学界发起了挑战。迄今为止没有任何人敢于应战。她表示,通过传承中国民间传统中医泰斗的绝技医术,她研制的利用 311 个祖传秘方在患者皮肤上引出藏于人体的 2381 种虫子的医术,是当前国际上独一无二的医术。以牙病为例,全世界人均牙齿藏有 300-600 条牙虫,很多知名医院均无法解决这一困扰患者的难题。而周和平运用所怀的绝技,加上对祖传秘方的配合使用,48 分钟内即可引出患者牙齿内的所有牙虫。只要牙虫被引出,之后 20 年内就不会再患任何牙病。而将牙虫引出势必导致牙齿松动,在一星期内,牙齿就会自动长牢固。

In order to demonstrate the national power, carry forward the traditional Chinese medicine culture, and promote the essence of traditional Chinese culture to the world, Zhou Heping launched a challenge to the world medical community.No one has as yet dared to fight.She said that by inheriting the unique skills of traditional Chinese medicine masters, she developed 311 ancestral secret recipes to cause 2,381 bugs to be hidden in the patients' skin, which is currently unique in the world.Take dental disease as an example. There are 300-600 teeth per person around the world, and many well-known hospitals cannot solve the problem for patients.And Zhou Heping's use of his unique skills, combined with the combined use of the ancestral secret recipe, can lead to all the teeth in the patient's teeth within 48minutes.As long as the tooth worm is elicited, there will be no more dental disease for then 20 years.And the worm is bound to make the teeth loose, and in a week, the teeth will automatically grow firm.

正是凭借着如此神奇而有效的医术,周和平夫妇多次受邀参加国际博览会、国际专利会及国际科学家发明会等国际级会议,受到了与会专家和学者的一致赞叹与尊敬。而且,在全球性的医学盛会上,与会的 70 多个国家中,没有第二个国家的医学技术能够达到 100%的疗效。唯有来自中国的周和平、王炎松夫妇,在对患者的临床治疗中始终达到了 100%的治愈率。他们的这一成就在世界范围内亦达到了独一无二,足可以傲视全球。

It is with such magical and effective medical skills that Zhou

Heping and his wife were invited to participate in international

conferences such as international exposition, International

Patent Association and International Scientists' Invention

Association for many times, which were unanimously praised

and respected by the experts and scholars attending the

meeting.Moreover, in the global medical event, in more than 70

countries, none of the 20 countries can achieve 100% medical

technology.Only Zhou Heping and Wang Yansong from China

have always reached a 100% cure rate in the clinical treatment of

patients.Their achievement is also unique in the world, very

proud of the world


A compassionate medical scientist


After years as a doctor, Zhou Heping has accumulated rich

experience.And witnessing the suffering of the patient, but also

more aroused her compassion.


Doctors have always been known as the "angel in white"

because of healing and healing the dying. Zhou Heping and his

wife are worthy of the name of the angels.Zhou Heping believed

in the Catholic Jesus and gave medical medicine for a long time,

not only treating the patients as warm as spring, but also actively

helping the elderly and the disabled to protect their lives.In

order to better help others, she often practices medicine for a

month, and then a month diagnosis fee, let patients personally

experience the efficacy, until the disease site recovered, to speak

with facts.


Zhou Heping said that the external drugs she invented to

cure all kinds of difficult diseases are all drugs for any virus.When

the virus appears in the patient's viscera, insects, fungi and other

blood toxic bacteria enter the blood and viscera of the human

body, the liver and kidney, heart and digestive system function

will appear in the virus, and the human body will produce serious

diseases.Therefore, to treat, the first should start from the

treatment of the liver and kidney, to promote the digestive

system to discharge toxins, the disease can be cured.Now, her

medical skills have been identified by the national technical

appraisal department, and they have won the quality evaluation.





苍生。After decades of medical practice, Zhou Heping adhered to

the traditional moral code of "benevolence, righteousness,

propriety, wisdom and letter", was harmonious with others, kind

to others, never made trouble, and never joked with others.She

firmly believes that keep the heart of the Qingming, spread love,

will make love over the world.She will convey goodwill to the

public, with a selfless feelings to stick to the persistence, after

difficulties and infatuation do not change, is willing to relieve the

people with benevolence.


The indomitable man, Prometheus


Since ancient times, every progress in human society, every

change in technology, has meant great fluctuations.And the

growth of a hero and an outstanding figure is often

accompanied by suffering.Because of their outstanding

performance, outstanding people can increasingly show their

excellence, and also because of this, they often have to

experience more hone than ordinary people.Even like

Prometheus, who stole the fire for the world, he was willing to

venture for the happiness of all living beings, and was

persecuted by the huge power, so that he experienced the

vicissitudes of life and died.


Zhou Heping's experience just proves just this.


Because of their outstanding medical skills, deeply popular

with the people, Zhou Heping, Wang Yansong couple's career is

getting bigger and bigger.Good and simple they want to expand

their career, in order to better serve the patients, but did not

expect that the jealous eyes have been targeted at them, the evil

hands have been opened to them.

当周和平夫妇的事业如日中天,身价达到数亿时,罪恶也开始行动了。湖南省衡东县一名假冒的中医治癌“狙击手”向某、唐某、曾某,把中草药打成粉做成一粒一粒的丸子,加上包装成本也不到 30 元一斤,却以 3万元一包的高价进行售卖。他们在三年时间里骗取大量癌症患者信任,很多患者将“救命钱”交付了他们,病情却不见起色。衡东县的某领导干部叔侄二人还充当向某等人保护伞,纵容他们在多个网站买卖假冒的治疗癌症药物,毒死全国患者无数人。仅在当地,就有多人死在了他们的手下。此外,向某还通过假征婚,大肆向全国各地的不同女性骗取钱财,甚至假冒国家领导人的保健医生,通过多个网站实施欺诈手段,从各个地区的患者手中诈骗钱财,数额十分庞大。而且有很多患者被向某等人的虚假言辞欺骗,不仅损失了金钱,更延误了病情。

When Zhou Heping and his wife's career was worth

hundreds of millions, the sin also began to act.Hengdong

County, Hunan Province, a fake cancer treatment "sniper" to

some, Tang, Zeng, the Chinese herbal medicine into powder into

a pill, plus the packaging cost is less than 30 yuan a catty, but ata high price of 30,000 yuan a package for sale.In three years, they

trusted a large number of cancer patients, and many patients

gave them the "life-saving money", but their condition did not

improve.Hengdong County a leading cadre uncle and nephew

two people also act as an umbrella to others, connivance them in

many websites to buy and sell fake treatment of cancer drugs,

poisoning countless patients across the country.Local areas

alone, many people have died under their hands.In addition,

Xiang also through fake marriage to different women across the

country, and even fake state leaders' health doctors, through

multiple websites, from patients in various regions, the amount

is very large.And there are a lot of patients were deceived by the

false words to others, not only lost money, but also delayed the



It is worth ironic that, perhaps is made too much

unscrupulous money, to some, Tang Mou, Zeng Mou three

people have suffered from severe illness.Finally, Zhou Heping

saved them and cured the disease for them.And in this process,Xiang and others learned that Zhou Heping and his wife master

the traditional Chinese medicine skills are real, therefore, began

to their patent and secret recipe in the hands of a crooked brain.


Later, Zhou Heping found that the evil was done to others,

integrity she can not tolerate such cheating, poisoning patients,

chose to report to the relevant departments.Kindness but she

did not think that this justice has become the beginning of her

suffering life.


As a result of some department cadres shielding and

connivance, to some and others quickly learned of Zhou

Heping's report to them.Originally to some and others have

repeatedly tried to steal Zhou Heping's ancestral secret recipe,

but all failed to get.Xiang, Tang, Zeng and others have

repeatedly used a variety of means to cheat the country's folk

old traditional Chinese medicine to Tang's home, to take

deception, blackmail and other ways to obtain benefits.Because

of Zhou peace and justice report, they thought they had got the

opportunity, take this opportunity to repeat the trick, Zhou

Heping cheated to Tang home, by the public servants in the

team of criminals arrested.

向某、唐某、曾某等人的目的不仅是要对周和平进行打击报复,还打定了霸占周和平绝技医术和 311 个祖传秘方的主意。他们的计划是利用“保护伞”置周和平于死地,周和平被抓走的当天晚上,就被毒打昏死过去,还被关进了牢笼。

Xiang, Tang, Zeng and other people were not only intended

to retaliate against Zhou Heping, but also decided on the idea of

occupying Zhou Heping with special skills and 311 ancestral

secret recipes.Their plan is to use the "umbrella" to kill Zhou

Heping, and the night that Zhou Heping was captured, he was

poisoned unconscious and locked in a cage.


The days followed were like purgatory for Zhou Heping.She

was repeatedly beaten, because her temple was hit hard, fainted

many times, and even urine incontinence, stained with wet

cotton pants.After being sent to a private cell, Zhou forced Zhou

to engage in intense labor when her legs were swollen and dying,

threatened even pulling the collar, and banned her from meeting

or talking with any outside family.


Zhou Heping's lawyer hired by the money was also bought

by evil forces. When someone in Beijing called to inquire about

his whereabouts, they tried to hide the news.

周和平在狱中期间,凝聚了她和丈夫无数心血的中医药皮肤“拔罐”保健部及外用药物和 311 个祖传秘方被向某等人勾结其保护伞夺走,总价值达到数亿元,其中记载的很多中医秘方更属于无价之宝。为进一步栽赃陷害周和平,他们还将曾某的“保健品”下毒后喂给病人,导致两名病人惨死。他们却诬陷说病人是被周和平的“拔罐法”治死的。同时,他们还利用“保护伞”的影响力,在新闻媒体上大造舆论,宣扬周和平“害死人命”。在他们的操纵下,多家新闻媒体和知名网站颠倒黑白,制造虚假新闻,把曾某等人的罪恶栽赃在了周和平身上。

During the time when Zhou Heping was in prison, she and

her husband gathered countless efforts of skin "cupping"

Chinese medicine health department and foreign drugs and 311

ancestral secret secrets were taken by someone and others with

its umbrella, the total value reached hundreds of millions of yuan,

many of the Chinese medicine secrets are priceless.In order to

further frame Zhou Heping, they also poisoned Zeng's "health

care products" to the patient, resulting in the tragic death of the

two patients.But they framed that the patient was killed by Zhou

Heping's "cupping method".At the same time, they also used the

influence of the "umbrella" to create public opinion in the newsmedia and promote that Zhou Heping "killed people".Under

their manipulation, a number of news media and well-known

websites reversed black and white, to create false news, the

crime of Zeng and others planted on Zhou Heping.

后来,周和平被好心人送到医院治疗浮肿的双腿后时,才被发现同时还有食物中毒的迹象。她虽然历尽苦难你,最终得以逃出牢笼,丈夫王炎松却遭到了毒手。因为被不法分子欺骗,上门为某干部中的害群之马的父亲治病,王炎松遭到其家人在开水中投毒,饮用后鼻子大出血,在医院抢救一年半后,最终于 2014 年 6 月 5 日惨死在外,就连遗体火化后都未能回到自己家中。

Later, when Zhou Heping was sent to the hospital by a good

Samaritan to treat his swollen legs, he was found to have signs of

food poisoning.Although she suffered you, finally to escape the

prison, her husband Wang Yansong was poisoned hand.Because

was cheated by criminals, came to the father of the sheep of a

cadre, Wang Yansong was poisoned in boiling water, after

drinking nose bleeding, after a year and a half years in the

hospital, finally died on June 5,2014, even the body cremation

failed to return to his home.

周和平强忍丧失亲人的痛楚,为了能够抵制向某、唐某、曾某等人售卖假药、毒害患者的罪恶,在唐某住房的对面租下五间门面房,并最终完成 3 间装修,开办“周和平中医药皮肤拔罐保健部”。然而,虽然“周和平中医药皮肤拔罐保健部”完全是办下合法营业执照后的正当经营,却仅仅不到三个月就再次被黑暗势力的保护伞越权“行政执法”,连续三次遭到查封,并被夺走保健部的全部钥匙。

Zhou Heping endure the pain of the loss of loved ones, in

order to be able to resist some, Tang, Zeng and others to sell

fake drugs, poisoning patients, rented five facade rooms

opposite the Tang housing, and finally completed the decoration

of 3, opened the "Zhou Heping traditional Chinese medicine skin

cupping health care department".However, although "Zhou

Heping Traditional Chinese Medicine Skin Tking Health

Department" was completely a legitimate operation after the

legal business license, it was overagain by the protection

umbrella of the Dark forces in less than three months, was seized

for three consecutive times and took all the keys of the Health



The looted assets of Zhou Heping and his wife are the

priceless treasures of the Chinese nation and the crystallization

of human wisdom, and in this way, the pearl goes hidden and

falls into the hands of evil people.And in the tenacity of Zhou

Heping's unremitting efforts, when the superior authorities will

be captured to a, Tang Mou, with the background of the Zeng

Mou is still at large.While the villains were not severely punished,

Zhou Heping was forced to exile in Beijing.


In order to make a living, Zhou Heping worked as a waiter in

a Sichuan restaurant west of Zhaogongqiaokou, but he was

poisoned by the head and had a poor memory, and often made

mistakes such as giving the wrong dishes to guests.The

restaurant, the owner of two young people, was very

sympathetic after learning about Zhou's experience and neverblamed her for her mistakes at work.After a month of working at

a Sichuan restaurant, Zhou Heping left to work in cleaning the

Beijing-Hong Kong subway.Although living in difficulties, Zhou

Heping has always maintained a peaceful state of mind. She

takes every job seriously, no matter what career she is in, and

always tries to do her best, and often says to thank all the good

people who have helped them along the way. It is because of

them that they can stick to it.

2017 年 7 月 1 日,周和平参加了由国家中医药管理局举办的中国民间中医师医药研究开发协会召开的行业内会议,她的医学理念和医学成果得到了高度的认可和赞誉。如今,在百度、优酷等互联网站搜索“世界治癌王周和平”的名字,她传承民间中医药泰斗、精研治癌秘方的事迹便会出现在首页。已经有越来越多的人开始了解周和平、信任她,为她的魅力和精湛的医术所折服。

On July 1,2017, Zhou Heping attended the industry meeting

held by the Chinese Folk Association of Traditional ChineseMedicine Medical Research and Development held by the State

Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Her medical

concept and medical achievements have been highly recognized

and praised.Now, after searching for the name of "Zhou Heping,

the world king of Cancer Treatment" on Baidu, Youku and other

Internet stations, her deeds of inheriting folk traditional Chinese

medicine masters and studying the secret recipe of cancer

treatment will appear on the home page.More and more people

have begun to know Zhou Heping, trust her, and impressed by

her charm and exquisite medical skills.


For Zhou Heping, the dawn of her career is her

motivation.She firmly believes that with the introduction of theNational Law on Traditional Chinese Medicine, the day for

traditional Chinese doctors to regain the light will come soon.At

the same time, she also eagerly hoped that the husband Wang

Yansong's grievances can be cleared up as soon as possible, let

the wicked get punished as soon as possible, in order to comfort

him in the spirit of heaven.


Prometheus, who had suffered to help mankind, would

eventually break free of his shackles.Zhou Heping, the

contemporary Chinese Prometheus, the king of cancer treatment

and the indomitable soldier to adhere to the truth, will also usher

in a bitter snow, full of a bright day!

刊登 6 个竹罐里面的血毒里排出几百条“虫子”是中国《世界治癌王一周和平》女人用“祖传秘方”外用药物在患者“肺部穴位上引出来的几百条各类虫子”才能治好“肺癌.冠状病毒?肺炎疾病.肺气肿.肺合量.肺炎咳嗽等所有的肺病, 大中国武汉“新型冠状病毒?肺炎疾病”?大中国《世界治癌王一周和平》女人的医朮可以在一个星期治愈。专利“发明人”负治好任何重大疾病都有“特效”的法律责任.

It is China's "World cancer king a week of peace" women

with "ancestral secret recipe" in the patient "hundreds of bugs"

to cure " lung cancer. coronavirus?Pneumonia disease.

emphysema pulmonum. Pulmonary capacity. Pneumonia, cough

and all other lung diseases, Wuhan, Greater China, " novel

coronavirus?Pneumonia disease "?Women's medical skills can

be cured in a week.The patent "inventor" has the legal

responsibility for having "special effects" to cure any major



Women's challenge to global medical skills "paper"

像你们从小到 50 岁末把全身“血液中的五赃六腑里面藏着的“

2381 种虫子”排出体外?所以人活着很累每天你们都要养活这“

2381种寄生虫子吧”?这“2381 种虫子”才能产生 300 一 400 多种“疾病”的?所以你们还不知道是怎么产生“癌症”的:是“癌细胞”积累一起就产生了“肿瘤”。肿瘤晩期就是“癌症”这是正确的。

Like you to the end of 50 to the whole body "blood" hidden

"2381 bugs" out of the body?So every day you have to feed this"2,381 parasites?" right?These "2,381 bug species" can produce

over 3001,400 "diseases"?So you don't know how to produce

"cancer": "cancer cells" accumulate and produce "tumor".It is

true that cancer is "cancer".

每个人身体内都有“5cm”的“癌细胞”是在人体全身血液循环中;人类的死亡是 2381 种虫子咬死的!要想治好任何“重大癌症疾病”必须要把人体内超标的“癌细胞”引出皮肤穴位中再用竹子排出体外!这才叫医朮。比如每人的牙,牙齿中就藏在“牙虫 300 到 600 条牙虫才产生“牙疼”的?长年累月“牙虫增多起过 1000 条此人必会长出“牙肿瘤”的重大疾病?患者患上“牙肿瘤”去中国名牌大医院医生,医生曾多次劝患者“开刀,化疗,放疗”大错特错再错的“假冒医朮”?给患者带来极大的痛苦?医生连续给患者开刀四次患者只有死路一条,无法生存。中国每位“癌症”患者去中国 31 省市区名牌大医院去救治化疗,几十万的高额药费最后是“人财两空”的悲剧在中国延长了 70 年。

Each person has a "5cm" "cancer cells" in the systemic blood

circulation; human death is 2,381 bugs bite to death!In order to

cure any "major cancer disease", the body must bring the

"cancer cells" that exceed the standard in the body to the skin

acupoints and then discharged with bamboo!This is called

medical skill.For example, for each person's teeth, the teeth are

hidden in the "300 to 600 teeth worms to produce a" toothache

"?Over the years "dental worm increased 1000 this person will

grow" tooth tumor " major diseases?Patients suffering from

"dental tumor" to China's famous big hospital doctors, doctors

have repeatedly advised patients to "operation, chemotherapy,radiotherapy" big wrong "fake medical skills"?Bring great pain to

the patients?Doctors operate on the patient four times in a row,

patients have only a dead way, can not survive.Every "cancer"

patient in China went to famous hospitals in 31 provinces and

cities to treat chemotherapy, and hundreds of thousands of high

drug costs ended in the tragedy of "empty money" in China for

70 years


其实中国病人患上“牙肿瘤”找到大中国《世界治癌王一周和平》女人必有 100%把握很容易根治好!首先将患“牙肿瘤”牙齿里面 300条至 600 牙虫用一种祖传秘方药物,将“牙虫大小全部“引出来”虫子从人口里爬出来是活动的每人都可以看到,这几百条“牙虫”爬出后,患者“牙齿”马上停止“剧痛”。再把牙齿里面藏着的 600 条“牙虫”在几十年中在牙齿里面排出的大小便其实就是“血?毒”一点一点的排出体外“牙肿瘤”就一天一天变小最后是“牙肿瘤”排到彻底的“消失”!牙肿瘤就彻底根治好了!这才叫真正的医朮!中国《世界治癌王一周和平》发明由祖传311个秘方,外公师傅中国民间六位大师传授真实的民间“独一无二的泰斗.绝技医朮”!确遭到中国湖南衡东县公安局“坏公安勾结黑恶势力.卫生局狗贪官”打击上中国电视毁灭《世界治癌王一周和平》女人继承民间真实的医朮!坏公安刘副局长抢夺走中国《世界治癌一周和平》数亿元无价之宝后?他用重金买通湖南经视台台长变质女记者制作中国《世界治癌王一周和平》四项全不真实“毁闻”掛在中国(百度)五年中?

In fact, Chinese patients suffer from "tooth tumor" to find

the big China "the world cancer king for a week of peace"

women must have 100% grasp that it is easy to cure well!First of

all, 300 to 600 teeth with an ancestral secret medicine, "teeth"

insects climb out of the population everyone can see, the

hundreds of "teeth" climb out, the patient "teeth" immediately

stop "severe pain".The 600 "tooth worms hidden in their teethfor decades is actually" blood?Poison "little by little discharge

outside the body" tooth tumor "on a day by day smaller and

finally is the" tooth tumor "row to a complete" disappearance

"!Dental tumor is completely cured!That's called a real medical

skill!China's "World Cancer King One Week of Peace" was

invented by the ancestral 311 secret recipes, grandpa master six

Chinese folk masters to teach the real folk " unique master.

Special skill and medical skills. "!Indeed by China Hunan

Hengdong County Public Security Bureau " bad public security

collusion with black evil forces. "Women inherit the real medical

skills of the people!Liu, deputy director of the bad public security

bureau, robbed hundreds of millions of priceless treasures of

China's World Peace of Cancer Week?He used a lot of money to

buy the Hunan Economic TV station chief deteriorated female

reporter produced China "the world cancer king a week of

peace" four untrue "bad smell" hanging in China (Baidu) five


中国《世界治癌王一周和平》走出“牢房后”来北京上访四年未果?周和平晚上在北京地铁打晩工贫穷潦倒.中国《世界治癌王一周和平》的医朮又遭到中国北京“开放大学”女校长要“合作”盗窃周和平的方法“伪造假药”来骗取那些不明真相大学生学生高额教学费用.欺骗北京市老百姓患者的钱是犯罪的。不经过同意侵略专利权;湖南省衡东县坏公安刘副局长.刘副所长.黑头子曾社生三人抢夺走中国《世界治癌王一周和平》一个开办的“保健部”总体设备.祖传 311 个秘方.专利外用药物.汽车?保险柜重要档案金融.古代药书.1000 个级硬盘治好全国患者录像档案.二口新皮箱里面放満的古代珍宝药书.二处房子证.公证处公证书.湖南衡东县法院原件判决书“数亿元无价之宝”都被中国湖南省衡中国《世界治癌王一周和平》东县公安局刘副局长.刘副所长二叔是“主凶”加上黑头子曾社生三人夺走?中国《世界治癌王一周和平》女人一夜之间变成了“乞丐”被坏公安刘副所长抓打进“牢房”杀人灭口死里逃生的苦难?是牢中善良的民警驻所检察官二人报中纪委.湖南省人民政府纪委监察局省检察机关将中国《世界治癌王一周和平》女人在牢里 11 个月救出“牢房”;中国《世界治癌王一周和平》女人是全球最“苦难”的女人;周和平由于医朮出众遭到中国二省公安系统中的害群之马.加黑恶势力“坏公安刘副所长无数次逼要祖传 311 个秘方末可.坏公安刘副局长要“合作”末可?

China's "world cancer king a week of peace" out of the "cell"

to Beijing to petition for four years failed?Zhou Heping worked

poor at night on the Beijing subway. The female president of the

Open University of Beijing in China wanted to "cooperate" to

steal "fake fake drugs" to defraud college students who know

the truth of high teaching fees. It is a crime to cheat the money

from patients in Beijing.Aggpatent without consent; Liu, Deputy

Director of Bad Public Security, Hengdong County, Hunan

Province. Deputy Director of Liu. Blackhead Zeng Shesheng

three people robbed China's "World cancer King a week Peace" a

"health care department" general equipment. Ancestral

biography of 311 secret recipes. Patent drugs for topical drugs.

automobile?Safety safe important file finance. Ancient medicinebooks. 1,000 level hard disk cure national patient video records.

The ancient treasure medicine book placed inside the two new

suitcase. Two house certificates. Notary Office Public Certificate.

The original judgment of the Hengdong County Court in Hunan

Province, "hundreds of millions of yuan of priceless treasure",

was written by Liu, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau

of Hengdong County, Hunan Province, China. Liu deputy

director second uncle is "main fierce" plus black head Zeng She

Sheng three people take away?China's "world cancer king a

week of peace" women overnight became a "beggar" was

caught by the bad public security deputy director Liu into the

"cell" to kill the suffering of escape from death?Is the kindness of

the police in the prison prosecutor two people reported to the

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The woman of the

Bureau of the Hunan Provincial People's Government is the most

"suffering" woman in the world and the worst women in the

Second Province. Add black evil forces " bad public security

deputy director Liu countless times to force the ancestral 311

secret recipes can end. Bad public security deputy director Liu to

"cooperation" end?


Because China's "world cancer king a week of peace"

learned that Hengdong County, Hunan Province "black and

white two road" fake Chinese medicine black gang Xiang Bingya.

Tang Fu. Zeng Shisheng and the bad public security "umbrella"

use more than a dozen websites of China CCTV every day to "

sell fake cancer poison to make hundreds of millions of huge

profits?Xiang Bingya, who is a fake TCM doctor in Hengdong

County, Hunan Province, China, pretended to be a "health care

doctor" beside Chinese leader President Xi??More than

thousands of Chinese patients were not "seized" by any public

security organs of the local government;

中国《世界治癌王一周和平》女人是被湖南省衡东县“黑白二道”向炳亚.唐诗富.曾社生三黑团伙假冒中医把周和平女人从河北省邯郸市峰峰矿区骗到湖南省衡东县新塘镇坏人“唐诗富”家中囚禁中?那时周和平丈夫“王炎松”被中国河北省邯郸市公安局坏公安“周合春”骗上门?为贪官父治病时被人活活“毒死”离世才 21 天?坏公安指示“投毒人易振仓夫妻偷走“王炎松”带进易振仓房间一大包祖传秘方药物价值过亿元。中国《世界治癌王一周和平》女人被骗到湖南衡东县“黑白二道”手中后发现他们每天“毒死全中国患者生命上千多人的罪行”实在看不下去了周和平用手机多次向湖南省衡阳市纪委发信息“举报了黑白二道”卖假药毒死上千多患者生命的罪恶?结果“举报人周和平”被刘副局长.刘副所长二叔侄坏公安“毒打昏死”一个晩上杀举报人周和平灭口的苦难?周和平受到天大的委屈痛苦冤案上访几年无结果?君子报仇十年不晚!中国中央领导人应该要重视中国民间真实的医朮人才,中国31 省市区名牌大医院医生??医生有 800 多万人他们无道德.无真实的医朮.每年要治死中国患者生命高达 300 多万人的“滔天罪行”;中国严力打击“假冒骗子医生”。

China's "world cancer king a week peace" woman is

Hengdong County, Hunan Province "black and white" Xiang

Bingya. Tang Fu. Zeng Shesheng three black gang fake

traditional Chinese medicine to cheat Zhou Heping woman from

the Fengfeng mining area in Handan City, Hebei Province to the

bad man "Tang Shifu" in Xintang Town, Hengdong County,

Hunan Province home imprisoned?At that time, Zhou Heping's

husband "Wang Yansong" was cheated by "Zhou Hechun" by

the Public Security Bureau of Handan City, Hebei Province,

China?It was only 21 days old when he was poisoned " alive

while treating the father of a corrupt official?Bad public security

instructions "poison person Yi Zhencang husband and wife

stole" Wang Yansong " into the Yi Zhencang room a big bag of

ancestral secret recipe drugs worth more than 100 million

yuan.China's world cancer king peace week woman was cheated

to Hunan handong county "black and white" found them every

day "poisoned Chinese patients life of thousands of peoplecrime" really can't see the peace with mobile phone to

Hengyang, Hunan province commission for discipline inspection

sent information "report the black and white two" sell fake drugs

poisoning of more than thousands of patients of life?As a result,

the "informant Zhou Heping" was the deputy director of Liu. Liu

deputy director two uncle and nephew bad public security

"poison hit unconscious death" a night to kill the informant Zhou

Heping destroyed the suffering?Zhou Heping suffered great

grievance painful injustice case petition a few years without

result?Who has patience sees his revenge!Should Chinese

central leaders pay attention to the real medical talents of

Chinese people, doctors from famous hospitals in 31 provinces

and municipalities in China??Doctors have more than eight

million people who are immoral. No real medical skills. It kills

more than 3 million Chinese patients every year; China has

severely cracked down on "fake fraud doctors."


ushered in a bitter snow, full of bright day

《世界治癌王一周和平》医朮不医治大中国彭丽媛手下所有养生假冒医的疾病?因为彭丽媛在 2015 年 4 月指示中国“黑白二道”坏公安抢夺走《世界治癌王一周和平》女人“数亿元的无价之宝祖传 311 个秘方医朮?周和平为了生存一个人在中国湖南衡东县新塘镇租五间门面房周和平自己出钱装修开办了“衡东县岳南周和平中医保健部”不到四个月?中国后台彭丽媛指示中国坏公安卫生局狗官将周和平保健部总个设备抢夺走?包括周和平的祖传 311 个秘方.专利“根治好各类癌症疑难杂症的外用药物”保险柜里 1000 级硬盘内有治愈全球患者病例档案和治病方法金手镯二部手机曰常用品总个医疗设备高档音响汽车等“价值数亿元无价之宝”现落在彭丽媛后台黑白二道坏人手中?彭丽媛手下的亲人“养生假冒医她们他们不懂医朮装懂的中国医骗子来治死不明真相全中国老百姓患者生命?大中国刑法应该座牢枪毙!周和平更允许中国假冒医再登周和平国际中医门诊部大门?周和平祖传 311 个秘方外用药物不出售保秘防止中国假冒医复制去欺骗中国老百姓钱?大中国后台官油子最喜欢干的事情就是偷梁换柱谋财害命复制别人专利?他们的人品坏到极点欺骗《世界治癌王一周和平》上门治病一个月分文不给的假冒医他们都患上重疾?王炎松周和平夫妻二人生命就死在女巨贪彭丽媛指示的中国坏公安手中?大中国政府更不重视医术质量让中国假冒医当道?中国女巨贪彭丽媛只会唱几首歌她领政管理中国的“农业.水泥.医疗”这是中国天大的笑话?彭丽媛领政作恶多端早犯命案包括他的所有亲人?大中国湖南衡东县一个养猪谋生之人曾社生一天医未学过?但他在衡东县县政府对面开了一家大医院去骗当地患者钱治死患者生命?曾社生养猪谋生患有十多年皮肤癌全身有 170 多个皮脂瘤.心脏病.脂肪肝.肾病.肥胖病等几十种疾病缠身病危中?曾社生见到《世界治癌王一周和平》时说尽的好话将周和平留下来抢救他生命?当时的曾社生上气接不到下气肥胖.走路不动.晚上睡不着觉.全身发烧.真的是病危快死之人?曾社生一只腿跪在《世界治癌王一周和平》女人面前“发誓说”只要你能“治愈我的皮肤癌.心脏病.肝肾疾病.肥胖病”我愿意跟你做牛做马一辈子?我给你药费 20 万一 30 万元不成问题;周和平女人对曾社生说我不要 20万~30 万元?但我要收你药的存本钱 6.5 万元。曾社生满口的答应说同意!《世界治癌王一周和平》看到曾社生向我下跪求助抢救他生命就接受帮他医病。周和平用半年时间将曾社生全身患有皮肤癌 170 多个皮脂瘤彻底治愈!曾社生养猪谋生之人送绵旗给周和平中医保健部!可以说《世界治癌王一周和平》永远是曾社生救命恩人!结果曾社生勾结中国后台女巨贪彭丽媛联合坏公安一起让《世界治癌王一周和平》恩人座牢11 个月置予死亡的苦难?大中国后台彭丽媛女巨贪女魔鬼双眼贼指示中国河北邯郸坏公安周合春.易果田.郭亮.易振仓夫妻五人首先将周和平丈夫“王炎松”军人骗上门治病将“王炎松”活活“毒死”她做到天依无缝的“滔天罪行”?这就是大中国假冒医的人品公布全世界!《世界治癌王一周和平》女人的医朮挑战全球 283 个国家医朮界人士来比赛


"World cancer king a week of peace" medical skills do not

cure the big China Peng Liyuan under all the health fake medical

diseases?In April 2015, Peng Liyuan instructed China's "black and

white" bad public security to snatch the woman " hundreds of

millions of yuan of 311 secret secrets?Zhou Heping in order to

survive a person in China Hunan Hengdong County Xintang

town to rent five facade rooms Zhou Heping himself paid formoney to decorate the "Hengdong County Yueyang Zhou

Heping traditional Chinese medicine health care department"

less than four months?Chinese backstage Peng Liyuan instructed

the dog officer of the China Bad Public Security Health Bureau to

snatch the general equipment of Zhou Heping Health

Department?Including 311 Zhou Heping's ancestral recipes.

Patent "radical cure of all kinds of cancer difficult diseases of

external drugs" in the safe level 1000 hard disk to cure the global

patient case files and treatment method gold bracelet two

mobile phone said regular supplies total medical equipment

high-grade audio car and other "value of hundreds of millions of

yuan of priceless treasure" is now falling in the Peng Liyuan

background black and white two bad hands?Peng Liyuan's

relatives " health fake doctors they their Dong medical skills

pretend Dong Chinese medical cheater to cure the truth all

Chinese people patient lives?Greater China's criminal law should

be shot firmly!Zhou Heping allowed Chinese fake doctors to visit

the door of Zhou Heping International TCM outpatient

Department again?Zhou Heping ancestral 311 secret recipe

external drugs not sold to prevent Chinese fake doctors copy to

cheat Chinese people money?Big China backstage official's

favorite thing to do is to seek money and copy other people'spatents?Their character is extremely bad to cheat "the world to

cure the cancer king a week of peace" come to treat a month of





all suffer from


diseases?Wang Yansong, Zhou Heping and his wife died in the

hands of the bad Chinese police security, as instructed by Peng

Liyuan?The greater Chinese government pays less attention to

the quality of medical skills to make China fake medicine more

important?Chinese woman Peng Liyuan will only sing a few

songs she leads China's " agriculture. cement. Medical care " is

this a big joke in China?Peng Liyuan led the government,

including all his relatives?Big China Hunan Hengdong County a

pig for a living people Zeng She had a day did not learn?But he

opened a large hospital opposite the Hengdong county

government to cheat local patients to cure the life?Zeng

Shesheng pig made a living for more than 10 years of skin cancer,

the whole body has more than 170 skin lipoma. heart disease.

hepatic adipose infiltration. nephroma. Obesity and other

dozens of diseases are dying?Zeng Shesheng saw the world

cancer king a week peace " said good words will Zhou Heping to

save his life?At that time, Zeng She could not receive the lower qi

obesity. Walk still. Can't sleep at night. Total body has fever. Is it

really a dying person?Zeng Shesheng knelt on one leg in front ofthe woman who "vowed" as long as you can " cure my skin

cancer. heart disease. Liver and kidney diseases. Obesity " I want

to work with you for life?I give you 20 thousand 300,000 yuan;

Zhou Heping woman told Zeng Shisheng that I would want

200,000 ~300,000 yuan?But I want to charge your medicine for

65,000 yuan.Zeng Shesheng full of promise to agree!"The world

cancer king a week peace" saw Zeng Shesheng kneel to me for

help on his life to help his illness.Zhou Heping spent half a year

suffering from Zeng Shesheng

《医朮药物来不得半点虚假人命关天》一克蛇舍毒液可要人的命。患者把生命交给大中国《世界治癌王一周和平》手中医治.我就是提着自己的脑袋去救死扶伤.帮别人“治愈各类癌症疑难杂症当一名合格中医药全科医师难上加难!中医师随时都有死亡危险数年无人保护被国家“贪官后台打击暗杀中,患者得了重病心情暴躁恐怖害怕死亡以随时找医师麻烦。所以不会治病的人千万不要当一名假冒医。把病人活活的治死了假冒医要座牢枪毙。大中国只有祖传医师《世界治癌王一周和平》女人医朮才有 100%的把握根治好各类癌症疑难杂症医朮一一一特挑战全球.信誉世界第一!是《世界治癌王一周和平》女人医朮一特挑战全球!周和平医朮研究 55 年成为中医全科“科学发明家”。周和平崇拜的雷师傅”医技超过真是名师出高徒;周和平女人属虎阴历 1962 年 7 月 16 出生晨时 8 点四岁失父亲命硬被外公收养学医朮.学看面相.学看风水.学战略布局的高科技学术:周和平掌握着全世界名牌大医院所有医生发现的泰斗绝技医朮!

A gram of snake house venom can kill a person's life.Patients

gave their lives to the Greater China "World Cancer King One

Week of Peace" for treatment. I just carried my head to save the

wounded and save the dying. It is even more difficult to be a

qualified general practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine!"In

the assassination of corrupt officials, patients became seriously

ill and in fear of death in order to find a doctor at any time.So

people who do not treat diseases should not be a fakedoctor.The patient alive and the fake doctor to be shot.In greater

China, only the ancestral doctor "World Cancer King One Week

Peace" women's medical skills have 100% grasp the root cure of

various cancer diseases to challenge the world. Reputation ranks

first in the world!Is "the world cancer king a week of peace"

women's medical skill a special challenge to the world!Zhou

Heping has become a "scientific inventor" of general traditional

Chinese medicine in 55 years.Zhou Heping worship Master Lei "

medical skills is really a famous teacher; Zhou Heping woman

tiger Yin calendar born on July 16,1962 at 8:4 years old lost

father was adopted by grandpa to learn medical skills. Learn to

see the faces. Learn to see feng shui. Learn the high-tech

academic of strategic layout: Zhou Heping has mastered the

master unique skills found by all doctors in famous hospitals

around the world!


Zhou Heping was born to do big things without doing

small things

1988 年学开汽车同年去上海被曰本明慈公司招聘三年保洁每月480元一月周和平放弃单位上班去日本明慈公司上班三年挣2万多元回故乡开商店。

In 1988, the same year to learn to open a car to Shanghai

was called Ben mingci company recruitment for three years of

cleaning 480 yuan a month January Zhou Heping give up work

to work to Japan Mingci company work for three years to earn

more than 20,000 yuan back to his hometown to open a store.

2001 年周和平带着二台汽车去湖北石首调关镇伯牙口村承包四块荒地 110 亩土地:承包期 30 年.周和平化忘几十万积蓄耕新栽上桃树结果被新上任用钱买到手的付家耀坏书记强烈夺走?日本五十零汽车丢在桃地。

In 2001, Zhou Heping took two cars to Boyakou Village,

Shizuguan Town, Hubei Province to contract 110 mu of land: the

contract period was 30 years. Zhou Heping forgot hundreds of

thousands of savings ploughing newly planted peach trees by

the new money to buy Fu Jiayin bad secretary strongly taken

away?Fifty-hundred Japanese cars were left in the Peach Land.

2005 年离开桃园与武汉市长航集团王炎松丈夫结婚,同年年底去中国澳门从事医疗事业,后转进珠海开办了,珠海市香洲区和平皮肤保健部;周和平为人厚道.忠烈后代.“信主耶稣”天赐财富药草;周和平向全世界各国人民首领,宣布我的医朮根治各类癌症疑难杂症,可以说:药到病除疗效准达 100%。癌症治愈后不复发,更不转移。医朮一特挑战全球领引世界!《禁止全球患者去医院开刀化疗.放疗吃药注射吊水假冒错误医术》周和平临床经验,总结出来的结果,证明医朮来不得半点虚假,人命关天.只要药带有毒性投在皮肤上面,马上 2381 种虫子,都会拼命往人体五脏六腑里面跑藏着。所有周和平医朮发明的专利药物无毒,带香味最珍贵的好药埋在外面土里

He left Taoyuan in 2005 to marry Wang Yansong, at the end

of the same year to pursue medical career, then transferred to

Zhuhai, Xiangzhou District Peace Skin Health Department of

Zhuhai; Zhou Heping is kind. Loyalty and descendants. "Lord

Jesus" god wealth herb; Zhou Heping announced to the leaders

of the people of the world, my medical skills to cure all kinds of

cancer diseases, can be said: the effect of the disease should

reach 100%.Cancer after cure does not relapse, let alone

metastasis.Medical skill one special challenges the world to lead

the world!Patients around the world are banned from visiting

hospitals for surgical chemotherapy. Radiotherapy take

medicine injection hanging water fake wrong medical skills "

Zhou Heping clinical experience, summarized the results, proved

that the medical skills can not be any false, human life. As long as

the drug is toxic on the skin, immediately 2,381 kinds of insects,

will try to hide into the viscera of the human body.All the

patented drugs invented by Zhou Heping are non-toxic, and the

most precious good medicine with fragrance is buried in the soil



"Cancer" does not spread to the human body for about a

decade or so.


Women have told them countless times that Chinese

patients around the world have " surgical chemotherapy.

Radiotherapy " was inanimate, and no one survived?Withoutsurgery for "esophageal cancer" patients, China's "world cancer

treatment king for a week of peace" women's medical skills have

100% grasp to completely "cure" without recurrence, more do

not transfer to remove the root of the disease.

时间需要 11 个月:免药费 6.8 万元;《世界治癌王一周和平》要收患者 11 个月护理费 3.8 万元一次性付清谢绝还价《; 世界治癌王一周和平》收患者护理费是为患者,办事全球唯一的标准价格;中国名牌大医院的西医医生对“食道癌”患者在医院开刀化疗.放疗患者化完药费 100 万元~或者 1000 万元。最后是西医医生把患者送进“太平间”患者是“人财两空”的悲剧?大中国穷人患上“各类癌症疑难杂症”重病.免药费 6.8万元.他们的子女照样付得起 3.8 万元护理费。万一付不起贷款抢救生命。周和平收点护理费好为患者买药配制最好的 13 套外用药物。只有《世界治癌王一周和平》女人高科技医朮目前“能除万病”消除患者“食道癌”重疾有保障让患者永远的活着“无病忧”!这是全球名牌大医院的西医医生无真实的医朮本领永远也未做到的事情?因为他们她们无真实医朮本领治不好一种疾病“假冒医”?患者可以做核酸检查座飞机来北京。

Time takes 11 months: 68,000 free, World Cancer King is the

only standard price in famous Chinese hospitals for surgery and

chemotherapy for esophageal cancer patients in hospitals.

Radiotherapy patients to complete the drug cost of 1 million

yuan ~ or 10 million yuan.Finally, western medicine doctors send

patients into the "morgue" patients is the tragedy of "money

and people"?The poor in Greater China suffer from "all kinds of

cancer difficult diseases". Free drug cost of 68,000 yuan. Their

children can still afford 38,000 yuan for their care.In case you

can't afford a loan to save your life.Zhou Heping collected some

nursing fees to buy medicine for patients to prepare the best 13

sets of external drugs for use.Only "the world cancer king a week

of peace" women's high-tech medical skills currently "can

eliminate ten thousand diseases" to eliminate patients

"esophageal cancer" serious disease is guaranteed that patients

will forever live "no disease worry"!This is something that

western medicine doctors in famous hospitals around the worldhave never done without real medical skills?Because they do not

have real medical skills to cure a disease "fake doctor"?Patients

can take nucleic acid tests to come to Beijing.

愿意与中国政府习近平主席协商同意邀请《世界治癌王一周和平》来美国发展、美国政府每年给中国政府 9 亿美元特聘中国《世界治癌王一周和平》女人去美国发展医疗事业美国政府全面支持;这位美国记者,多次找到《世界治癌王一周和平》的保镖孙以林先生,深淡后孙以林非常高兴跑步回家向《世界治癌王一周和平》报喜讯说美国政府特郎普总统要特聘请你去美国发展医疗事业你去吗?《世界治癌王一周和平》女人当时在家中。周和平回复:我的医朮是来救治中国 14 亿老百姓生命无病忧!周和平医朮不同意去美国,因为美国政府历来侵犯多个其它小国家,造成无数的难民无家可归流浪它乡,再过美国政府特郎普对中国政府习主席非常不友好说话,无安全感?

President Trump wants to hire you to develop medical care

in the United States?The World King of Peace was at home.Zhou

Heping replied: My medical skill is to save the lives of the 1.4

billion Chinese people without disease worries!Zhou Heping did

not agree to go to the United States, because the US

government has always violated many other small countries,

leaving countless refugees homeless. After the US government,

Donald Trump was very unfriendly and insecure to President Xi

of the Chinese government?

《世界治癌王一周和平》对保镖孙以林先生说周和平决定不去美国发展医疗事业。请孙以林马上去回复美国记者。其实这几年在中国很多医院特邀请《世界治癌王一周和平》,合作未可年薪高达每年 1800 万元?因为《世界治癌王一周和平》被广西南宁一家私人医院聘去合作,在他写好的合作协议书中有一条内容限制,《世界治癌王一周和平》只能与他合作、不允许周和平与其他任何人合作。对方多次叫周和平签合同未可。呆一个月离开,目前周和平没与任何人合作!周和平为了生存我们首先在北京买块地,造一栋大楼成立:联合国世文联 CEO《世界治癌王一周和平》根治好各类癌症疑难杂症除万病(国际)中医院;马上就全中国全球患者因为《世界治癌王一周和平》医朮真实可靠。

The World Cancer King, ne Week of Peace, told his

bodyguard, Mr.Sun Yilin, that Zhou Heping had decided not to

go to the United States to develop a medical career.Please ask

Sun Yilin to reply to the American reporter immediately.In fact, in

recent years, many hospitals in China have specially invited "The

World Cancer King for One Week of Peace", and the annual

salary of the cooperation is up to 18 million yuan per

year?Because "Peace of World Cancer King" was hired by a

private hospital in Nanning, Guangxi, there is a content limit in

his cooperation agreement, "Peace of World Cancer King" can

only cooperate with him, and Zhou Heping is not allowed to

cooperate with anyone else.The other side repeatedly called

Zhou Heping to sign the contract unfinished.After a month,

Zhou Heping has not cooperated with anyone!Zhou Heping In

order to survive, we first bought a land in Beijing, built a building:

CEO of the World Federation "One Week Peace" to cure all kinds

of cancer diseases except all thousand diseases (international)

traditional Chinese medicine hospital; immediately all patients in

China because of the "World Cancer King Week Peace" real and

reliable medical skills.电话:13417806931;13488795881;13718387481;

Tel.: 13417806931; 13488795881; 13718387481;

图中带帽的男士他是中国的“神探”保护着《世界治癌王一周和平》女人的生命。《世界治癌王一周和平》因医朮超群继承祖传 311 个秘方医朮她承受过中国“黑白二道”的打击死里逃生她是全球最“苦难的女人”。中国“卫生局狗贪官公安勾结黑恶势力三层机构”打击《世界治癌王一周和平》坐过牢上电视毁灭民间真实“独一无二的泰斗绝技医朮“黑白二道谋财害命”公安刘副局长.刘副所长二叔侄是“主凶”加上黑头子曾社生三人抢夺走《世界治癌王一周和平》。 “数亿元的无价之宝 ” 财 产 后 中 国 公 安 利 用 “ 牢 房 杀 周 和 平 灭 口 的 苦 难 。


The man with a hat is a Chinese "detective" who protects the

lives of a Week of Peace.She is the world's most "suffering

woman" in the death.China's "health bureau dog corrupt officials

public security collusion with black evil forces three layer

institutions" to fight "world cancer king a week peace" sat on TV

to destroy folk real "unique master special skills" black and white

two fortune " public security deputy director Liu. Liu deputy

director second uncle and nephew is the "main culprit" plus

blackhead Zeng She Sheng three people robbed of "the world

cancer king a week of peace".After "hundreds of millions of yuan

of priceless treasure" property, Chinese public security used "















上一条:世界治癌王 —— 周和平 下一条:世界治癌王 —— 周和平